Competitive Soccer Program (Travel) is both a time and financial commitment.When accepted in a competitive team, it must be understood that you are committed to participate in all team functions which include practices, league games,tournaments and Club fundraisers. Many tournaments are scheduled over Holiday weekends.
SK Sunblazer Club Approach:
We place a strong emphasis on club unity and this theme is reflected in the entire club programming.In our Competitive Soccer Program in particular, we do not operate as a group of loosely
connected teams following separate and individual agendas.
Instead, we believe in adhering to a single, club-wide playing philosophy and style, which is defined by the Director of Coaching and Player Development, and implemented by all members of the club coaching staff. This helps to create a consistent learning environment throughout the program for all our players.
We feel there are great advantages in developing individual players within a true “club” environment. Our emphasis on club unity will be evident in everything we do, including:
Our Approach to Competitive Player Development:
We feel that players develop at varying rates. Therefore, some of our players may be moved from group to group based on how fast they develop and how their growth compares to other club members. If you at some point during the season stop attending or are unable to
commit to the team schedule you may be asked to move off the team(you will be placed or asked to train with another team and or coach) until the coaching staff sees that you are able to and are consistently showing up to all required activities and events.
We believe that competitive challenges are healthy for players and enable them to grow. We can and will challenge our players by allowing them the opportunity to move from group to group, and also between different age groups, when warranted by their play.
Our goal is to create an environment that will stimulate the continued growth of our players by providing each of them with the opportunity to get to the next level of play within the club at any time.
All such movement of players will be done at the sole discretion of the club’s professional coaching staff.and the Director of Coaching and Player Development.
Player Development vs Winning:
While we demand that our players strive to perform/win every time they take the field for training or a game, winning is NOT the primary objective for the club coaching staff.
Our primary objective is centered around, and driven by, our goal of developing individual high-level players in a competitive environment.
We believe that winning games will ultimately be a by product of our ability to develop well-rounded players.
Therefore, winning every game is not our primary objective and will NOT be how we measure our success as a club. However, there are times when winning a particular game may be beneficial for a particular age group/team or the club in general.
The club coaching staff will determine which games,if any, will take on this importance and may, at their sole discretion, field what they determine to be the most effective team in certain games (league playoffs, certain tournament games, etc.) where a positive result could help push the entire age group/team or the club to another level of play.
Every effort will be made to balance the good of the individual player versus the good of the entire age group/team and the club in general.
Playing Time:
In Competitive Soccer, we ask our players to compete for everything including playing time in games. The club coaching staff fully understands the importance of players getting the opportunity to play in games and we will structure our annual game schedule to allow ample opportunities for players to play in games.
However, it is important for parents and players to understand that a player’s development takes place over the course of many months of practices, training and games -- not in any one particular game. Unlike our Recreational program, which is seasonal and playing time in all games is guaranteed, the Competitive Soccer Program runs year-round,
With the objective of establishing a comprehensive game and training schedule that will provide each player with plenty of playing time. Our goal of developing individual high-level players is not dependent on playing in EVERY game, but rather on playing in MANY games.
Although each player will get to play in most games, the amount of playing time is NOT guaranteed in every game. The coaching staff is instructed to manage the playing time of each player over the course of the entire program year.
The 48 hour rule is in effect(please do not approach the coaching Staff in regards to your player prior to a game or until 48 hours after said game). If you want to speak to the coach please ask for a meeting thus agreeing to an appropriate Date and time.
Guest Playing Within the Club
Obviously, this is the preferred option to exercise when seeking any guest playing opportunities. Each of our teams will play approximately 5 tournaments a year (Aug.-June) and participate in at least one (1) league. Not all of these tournaments and leagues are the same for all teams, thus providing numerous chances for players to get an extra game within our Club.
If you would like to guest play and your team is not playing in any one particular league, tournament or showcase, the player and parent should contact the respective coach who will get approval from the Director to inquire about the possibility of playing on a team within the Club. Keep in mind, that as players get hurt, sick or travel with family, Directors will always be looking within SK Sunblazer for players to complement a team and to help them in any one game/event.
Guest Playing With Another Club/Team
We understand that everyone wants to play as much as possible. We also understand that many of us have friends in other clubs. Again, although we do our very best to give players every opportunity possible to play, we also provide them with ample rest and recovery time. Many times when a player wants to guest with another club or team it is at the expense of this rest and in turn their overall health and development.
SK Sunblazer policy is to not allow guest playing of its members with other clubs/Teams unless it is a ODP,National Team opportunity or Showcase Tournament(a player is looking to play in College) that he/she otherwise would not have with the current team. The guest playing opportunity cannot conflict with an existing team commitment.
Coaches’ Travel Expenses:
The team is to pay the coach’s reasonable travel expenses including air fare, as appropriate, accommodations (share rooms when possible), ground transportation @ $ 0.58 per mile and $55.00 per day for meals.
Dress Code & Equipment
In order to protect and promote the reputation of our Club and team, players are expected to wear the correct Club soccer gear when attending all practices, games (this includes the warm-up session before games), as well as Club/team functions. If you are not dressed in the appropriate Club soccer gear as instructed/required, you will be dismissed immediately.
Note: Modifications to the Club soccer gear and or equipment is not allowed.
We need your help; there are many volunteer roles/jobs that need to be filled each soccer year.
Field Space
Field space will be provided for practice purpose andgames.Priority will be given to teams training for play in Early or Regular Season play, Tournament, Regional and State Cup. Scrimmages are allowed only when field space allows.All Practice/Gamer changes must go through the Club Director